Lawrence Mountain Bike Club (LMBC), Friends of the Kaw (FOK), and Friends of Lawrence Area Trails (FLAT) Announce the Receipt of a Trails Accelerator Grant from the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA).
The Lawrence Mountain Bike Club (LMBC) is pleased to announce the receipt of a Trails Accelerator Grant (TA Grant) from the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA). The purpose of the grant is to study the potential for new mountain bike trails in an area historically called “Cameron’s Bluff.” Located on private land, Cameron’s Bluff lies just east of Evergy’s Lawrence Energy Center and north of I-70. Grant partners have been working with property owners Evergy, Inc. and the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) to secure public access to the area for recreation. Both Evergy and KTA support establishing public access to the area and have been active partners in the grant process.
Recognized as an international leader in trail development, IMBA will assess the potential for trails development, provide cost estimates for possible access points, and provide a conceptual design plan as a starting point for community engagement to further the project. Evergy, Inc. has committed the support of its Green Team to build the single-track trails, which would be optimized for mountain biking but open for all self-propelled recreation including running, hiking, birding, and fishing.
Cameron’s Bluff is ideally located, as it is close to Downtown Lawrence, the Pinkney neighborhood, LMH Health and the Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, as well as the Lawrence Loop. A goal of the project is to include a connection to The Lawrence Loop, which would provide safe, car-free access from all parts of the community. The trails would be complementary to the existing Lawrence River Trail. As noted by LMBC Club President Richard Wagner, “The existing trail systems are a much-loved and well-used gem for the community, and this proposed trail would prove a unique addition for all types of trail users in an area which is not yet served by a trail system.” The additional trails would significantly improve access for local trail users and increase the draw for mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts from throughout the region.
In conjunction with the trails assessment, partners will commission an environmental analysis of the area to ensure that trails are constructed and managed in a sustainable and environmentally appropriate manner.
The Trails Accelerator Grant is a matching grant. LMBC, FOK, and FLAT are grateful to the community entities which have committed matching funds, which include Bracker’s Good Earth Clays, Evergy, Inc., Friends of Lawrence Area Trails, the Lawrence Bicycle Club, the Lawrence Paper Company, Johnny’s Tavern, McGrew Real Estate, Sunflower Outdoor & Bike, The Bowersock Mills & Power Company, and Trek Bicycles of Lawrence.